Front Of House Job Descriptions


  • Average shift length: 6 hours weekdays, 8-10 weekends
  • High volume and fast paced in short consistent bursts
  • Work is 25% customer service, 65% service bar, 10% telling servers to bus their tables so you have more glassware
  • Average tips = $25-35/hr


  • Average shift length: 4 hours weekdays, 6-8 weekends
  • Sections are sat rapidly, sometimes all at once
  • Work is 65% customer service, 20% being organized, 15% being able to whisper
  • Average tips = $20-45/hr


  • Average shift length: 5 hours weekdays, 7-9 weekends
  • Escorting customers to their seats and reassuring them that yes, there is enough room for all of them
  • Work is 60% customer service, 30% venue assistance, 10% hiding from your manager while looking at your phone


  • Average shift length: 5 hours weekdays, 7-9 weekends
  • Crowd control and checking ID’s
  • Work is 60% customer service, 30% handling hecklers and loud talkers, 10% watching the show from the back of the room

Box Office

  • Average shift length: 4 hours weekdays, 6 weekends
  • Checking in customers and selling tickets
  • Work is 20% customer service, 80% answering the same questions over and over again

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